HemoCue® WBC DIFF System
Provides values for a total white blood cell (WBC) count and a 5 part differential WBC count
Not available in the US
By putting the traditional, complex lab diagnostics inside a microworld, we make WBC results — even 5-part differentials — available in minutes. So you can make more informed decisions right away about antibiotics, further testing, and more.
The right care faster
The HemoCue® WBC DIFF System is an in vitro diagnostic system designed for quantitative determination of white blood cells. The system provides values for a total white blood cell (WBC) count and a 5 part differential WBC count, including neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils and basophils.
The HemoCue® WBC DIFF System gives you access to white blood cell count while your patient is still in the exam room. That makes it possible to completely shift the way you work — not only enabling faster care, but also saving valuable time and money with a more streamlined workflow.

The HemoCue® WBC DIFF System makes it possible to get not only lab-accurate white blood cell counts but also five-part differentials at the point of care. In just five minutes, you have accurate counts for neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils and basophils.
Fitting seamlessly into a variety of clinical applications and even remote field clinics, the benefits are clear.
Immediate WBC DIFF counts can mean the difference between waiting and taking action at the point of care — helping you move from assessment to treatment within minutes rather than hours or days.
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